Ukraine Readies for Possible Russian-backed Attack

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Ukraine's military is preparing to repel a possible assault by Russian-backed rebels in the east following reports of Russian military reinforcements crossing the border.

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko said Monday in an interview with the daily German daily Bild that the country is ready for total war.

Ukraine's military is beefing up its defenses just a few kilometers from rebel-held territory in the Luhansk region.

Private Sergai Eava with the 39th battalion said the Ukraine soldiers have to be prepared.

“We received information that our guys were being shelled … yesterday with artillery and grads [rockets],” Eava said.

The captain and commander of the new checkpoint, who asked to be called Andriy, said they have plenty of ammunition but could use more men.

“We came here two days ago. We didn’t have any conflicts here with the other side yet. But they say that there are small groups working here, about 10 people in a group. We received this intelligence information,” Captain Andriy said.

A Ukrainian soldier suddenly fires his machine gun toward rebel positions in front of a group of journalists, saying, “Warning shots.”

Frequent target of rebel fire

The post comes under frequent rebel fire and was hit by a grad rocket the day before, although no one was injured.

Senior Mortar Gunner Vayacheslav said they are ready to fight off an assault.

“Yes, they’ve strengthened us and strengthened us quite well. They are hardening everything. So, if there is an attack, we will be prepared to repel it,” Vayacheslav said.

Captain Andriy Slota, squad commander, said they have new munitions, but the men are tired.

“It’s time to end this singing and dancing and decide whether to move forward [militarily] or solve this on some legal level to let people go [demobilize soldiers]. Or, just return our country to us and let people go. Enough is enough. The time has come,” Slota said.

Moscow has repeatedly denied directly supporting the rebellion in eastern Ukraine, and has described Russian troops seen fighting alongside pro-Russian separatists in the east as volunteers.

The rebels, fighting against the pro-Western government in Kyiv, said they fear it is the Ukrainian forces who are planning an offensive.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting with European Union defense ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels, Nov. 18, 2014.NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting with European Union defense ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels, Nov. 18, 2014.

NATO comments on buildup

Meanwhile, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia has launched a "serious" military buildup both inside Ukraine and along its shared border, deploying troops and sophisticated equipment, including air defense systems.

Speaking Tuesday in Brussels, Stoltenberg urged Moscow to pull back its troops and "contribute to a peaceful settlement" in Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces in the country's east.

Ukraine's military said Tuesday at least five soldiers were killed and eight wounded in fighting since Sunday.

Also, Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called on all parties to the conflict to abide by a September cease-fire agreement between Kyiv and the rebels.

Steinmeier spoke to reporters in the Ukrainian capital, ahead of a visit to Moscow.

In London, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said that Russia "has to be consistently reminded of its obligations" under the agreement.

According to figures from the United Nations, the seven-month conflict in Ukraine has claimed over 4,100 lives and left nearly 10,000 wounded.

  • Pro-Russian separatists pose with a picture of Josef Stalin at checkpoint in the Spartak area near the Sergey Prokofiev International Airport in Donetsk, Nov. 18, 2014.


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